Monday, April 6, 2015

Ever since the FBI classified Juggalos as a "rapidly-expanding hybrid gang" in 2011, I've heard many a ninja say things like

"Hey, if we're a gang, then that means that Bronies are a gang, too! Fuck the FBI!"

This is an excellent line of reasoning. The logic here is clearly impeccable. However, the FBI seems to have somehow overlooked the dangers that the Brony subculture poses to the community at large.

In the interest of fairness, I have created a web page comparing both of these dangerous and violent subcultures. With any luck, this page will reach the eyes of FBI investigators, who will note the similarities between these groups and promptly correct this grievous error by adding Bronies to their list of nationally recognized street gangs.




Which is the more prolific criminal organization? It's such a close tie that the world may never truly know, but here I intend to shed some light on this controversial and highly important social issue.